Miss Keown is perhaps one of the most impactful and memorable teachers in the College’s 135-year history, teaching at Croydon for 43 years.
Audrey was born and grew up in Concord West, attending Concord West Public School until she was eight years of age when she was stricken by polio which left her unable to walk. The next five years were spent in hospital and rehabilitation. Although her education was interrupted, it was resumed at the school of 'Canonbury', Darling Point, the rehabilitation centre for children where Audrey was in residence.
After returning home, Audrey completed her secondary education by correspondence. Her childhood dream had always been to be a teacher or an actress but at 18 neither seemed possible. She revelled in English literature and History at school and wanted to pursue these interests, but attending University at this time was considered impossible because of her limited mobility.
However, in 1954 Audrey obtained a Trinity College of Music, London Diploma, and became a sought-after teacher of individual students and small groups. Audrey's long-held ambition to teach in a girls' school was realised when she secured a teaching role at PLC Sydney.