Last Wednesday, Adelaide Perry Gallery opened its doors to Year 11 Visual Arts, their families, and friends, for the opening of Riversdale Dreaming. The exhibition showcases Year 11 Visual Arts investigations in and of the Australian landscape, in conjunction with the works of 2024 Artist-in-Residence Ashley Frost.

Ashley Frost, Miss Gair, Ms Brown and Ms Knight.

Works on show at the Riversdale Dreaming Exhibition are the culmination of studies focussing on the landscape genre, inspired primarily by their experiences working ‘en plein air’ alongside Ashley at a three-day art camp at Arthur Boyd’s Bundanon & Riversdale Education Centre on the Shoalhaven River.

Following an acknowledgement of Country made by Jasmine Gock, Gallery Curator Jen Gair welcomed guests to the event. She explained the key aims of PLC Sydney’s Artist-in-Residence program, highlighting the clear benefits for students of working alongside a mentor in the form of an accomplished professional artist. Through it, students embark on the new challenge of creating a visual arts body of work and are encouraged to practice resilience, meet deadlines, draw on inspiration, and recognise the purpose of their work.

Guest speaker at the exhibition opening, Ms Jennifer McNamara, Director of Art Est Art School, introduced the gallery visitors to some of the key elements of Ashley Frost’s artwork and art practice She described how each has evolved over his career and spoke about Ashley’s approach to Australian landscape and his cityscapes that have earned him recognition in the United States where he spends part of each year working in a studio in New York City. Ms McNamara commended the girls on the high standard of their works on show and declared the exhibition open.

Year 11 Visual Arts Students Gianna Kouppas and Madison Beanland, addressed the gathering and reflected on their experiences at Art Camp at Bundanon, and how their bodies of work developed following their return. They described Ashley’s input and instruction as having a profound impact on their productivity and creativity and that it was a privilege to exhibit their works alongside his. The girls thanked their teachers, Miss Gair and Ms Brown, for their support and guidance, and Ms Privett for her help at art camp. On behalf of their cohort, gifts were presented with thanks to Ashley and Ms McNamara.

Jennifer McNamara, Ashley Frost, Dr Burgis & Miss Gair

To conclude the official proceedings, Ms Jo Knight, Head of Visual Arts, congratulated the girls and their teachers on the immense achievement of creating a body of work and bringing it to exhibition. She described Ashley's contribution as Artist in Residence as invaluable to the girls’ learning and accomplishments and on behalf of the College warmly thanked him for his participation.

Riversdale Dreaming 2024 continues 8.30 am – 4.00 pm weekdays until 21 June. Visitors to the Gallery are invited to cast their vote for their favourite student work, with a People’s Choice award to be presented at the close of the exhibition.
