中文课程 Beginners and Intermediate Mandarin for Term 4

  • Venue: PLC Sydney Freda Whitlam Building, Level 1, W.G.06
  • Days: Mondays
  • Duration: 7 weeks from wk/c Monday, 14 October to Monday 25 November 2024 
  • Classes: Kindergarten to Year 6 students
  • Time: 3.15 pm - 4.30 pm (1.25 hours)
  • Cost: $315.00

NB: Because Term 4 has only seven weeks, we have extended the duration of the Mandarin classes to ensure that students will still receive the same overall teaching time as in previous terms.

Enrol Now

Please complete the form below and make your payment to enrol your child in Term 4 Mandarin classes.

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Student Details

Parent / Guardian Details


Please choose your child's class and make your payment below. The cost is $315.00 per term.

Mandarin: Kindergarten to Year 2 $ 315.00 AUD
Mandarin: Years 3 to 6 $ 315.00 AUD
Total$ 0.00 AUD

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